Right project
100% success
A well-executed project of innovative water-saving irrigation will provide an economic effect due to the minimum cost of component materials.
Reducing electricity by 5 times and reducing fertilizer costs by up to 50%
Reducing electricity by 5 times and reducing fertilizer costs by up to 50%
Reducing the ripening time up to 20 days
Reducing the ripening time up to 20 days
Fruit yield increase up to 40%, vegetable increase up to 80%
Fruit yield increase up to 40%, vegetable increase up to 80%
Water savings will be up to 70%
Water savings will be up to 70%
AquaConsult is your reliable partner for innovation in irrigation. Optimize your time and resources by ordering the right project.
5000 satisfied clients and successfully operated projects in Central Asia.
We have set an ambitious task to confidently cross the mark of 50 thousand hectares per year to introduce a smart system of drip irrigation and sprinkling with the widest geography, both in the Republic of Uzbekistan (Andijan, Fergana, Namangan, Bukhara, Tashkent, Syrdarya, Bukhara regions), and in neighboring countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan).
Our international projects
Click a country to view our projects.
Everyday practice shows that a new model of organizational activity largely determines the creation of a development model.
Qualified specialists of our company will make sure that a plan-scheme of your future irrigation system is correctly and professionally drawn up for you. This will completely avoid problems during installation and installation of equipment.
Soil aeration and root system
There is no overmoistening of the soil and this ensures intensive respiration of the roots throughout the entire growth cycle, which is not interrupted during or immediately after irrigation. Soil oxygen allows the root system to function actively.
The root system of plants develops better than with any other irrigation method. Increased consumption of water and nutrients. With this method of irrigation, the water utilization efficiency is over 95%, in contrast to surface irrigation, when this coefficient is about 5%, and sprinkling, where it is about 65%.
Nutrition and significant water savings
Dissolved fertilizers are applied directly to the root zone along with watering. There is a rapid and intense absorption of nutrients. This is the most efficient way to apply fertilizer in dry climates.
The reduction in water consumption when using drip irrigation systems ranges from 20 to 80% compared to other irrigation methods, due to the absence of overwatering.
- only the root zone of plants is moistened, from 40 to 60% of the total area;
- evaporation losses are reduced;
- there are no losses from the peripheral water flow.
Early ripening and Agrotechnology
With drip irrigation, the soil temperature is higher than with sprinkler irrigation, so you can get an earlier harvest. Drip irrigation allows tillage, spraying and harvesting at any time, regardless of irrigation, as soil between rows remains dry throughout the season.
With drip irrigation, there is an intensive leaching of salts near the droppers. The accumulation of salts at the edges does not have too much effect on the development of plants. Water and nutrients are taken up by part of the root system from the leached zones of the soil.
AquaConsult, a team of experienced specialists with many years of experience in the field of innovative technologies for drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and subsoil irrigation, used in international projects of the highest level, will help you with this. We have licenses issued by the state regulator.
“Friendly plan-scheme” - all dimensions, anchor points are given, we cover the entire area provided by the farmer, all reference data is provided, which is very convenient during installation.
The project is developed for a set of materials from one manufacturer, which avoids errors at the stage of assembly, installation and ensures long-term and correct operation of the system.
AquaConsult - designing agricultural projects of any complexity
Design of agricultural irrigation systems
The maximum yield of cereals and legumes is achieved using sprinkler irrigation
Irrigation automation
Irrigation automation saves you energy, water and labor costs
Design of drip irrigation systems
Applying fertilizers through a drip system, they fall directly into the root zone of plants
Improvement of roads
Protecting the field from the wind with a strip of trees gives a yield increase of up to 60%
Water treatment systems
Delivery of water to the site in pipes and not through soil channels improves the water-salt balance of the field
Microclimate of gardens
Good filter station - ensures long-term operation of the system
Компания ООО "БЕК АГРО" выражает свою благодарность ООО "Аqua Consult" за отличный проект. Система капельного орошения, спроектированная компанией в интенсивном миндальном саду площадью 500 га, расположенном в Ахангаранском районе Ташкентской области, основанную на точных расчетах, автоматической системой, экономичной и успешной.
35-40 сорванных хлопков с куста на хлопковом поле хозяйства Эргашева 3. Балыкчинского района Андижанской области! 58-60 ц/га. Мы благодарны AquaConsult, организации, занимающейся проектированием систем орошения, за достижение такого результата. Рекомендую всем!
хозяйства Эргашева 3.
Хочу поблагодарить ООО «AquaConsult» за хорошо выполненную работу ООО «Охонгарон Рустам Агро». Компания AquaConsult разработала систему капельного орошения для нашего сада площадью 29 га. Наша система, построенная на основе этого проекта, работает безотказно. Действительно профессионалы своего дела, все от замеров до проекта выполнено на отлично.
ООО «Охонгарон Рустам Агро»
Наша компания «Агроактивити» обратилась в ООО «AquaConsult» за разработкой проекта по установке системы капельного орошения на 82 га садов. Так как в проекте была учтена каждая деталь, в установке не возникло никаких сложностей. система работает безупречно. Спасибо за качественную работу и оперативность.
компания «Агроактивити»
Мы установили систему капельного орошения на 600 га хлопкового поля, принадлежащего кластеру OOO«Аndgoldtex» , по проектам компании ООО «Аqua Consult». Несмотря на большие и неудобные поля, проекты были сданы вовремя. После завершения строительно-монтажных работ проверили правильность установки индивидуальной системы и дали необходимые рекомендации по использованию системы.
OOO «Аndgoldtex»